Inspection of the dogs is conveniently combined with brushing and combing its hair, especially longhaired breeds that require regular grooming.
First, carefully examine the legs on the subject of whether the nails did not grow. The thorns of plants may stick in its pads, or shivers of glass; small stones and other different objects may stick between its fingers; the gum may stick to the hair. All of this, of course, should be carefully removed and the gum must be carefully cut out along with the hair.
Next, carefully inspect the dog's hair for ticks. Ticks usually dig into the body in the areas where it is difficult for the animal to reach them. It is a dog's head (especially the ears), neck, back and legs. Pull ticks with tweezers. It is necessary to capture the tick stronger with tweezers, as close as possible to the skin of the dog, and make a rotary motion. Do not pull the tick, so you can tear it abdomen, while the head remains under the dog's skin, in this case, you will have to contact your vet. The wound must be treated with an antiseptic.In winter, this procedure cannot be given special attention, but a cursory examination, will be necessary.
Then, you need to examine the teeth of the animal, so that as soon as possible to observe the change of color of tooth enamel, to check whether there is wobbly or broken teeth and inflammation of the gums. If the inspection found any of these disorders, you should immediately take the animal to the vet; the dog must be given professional help before the animal has serious toothache or pain in gums.
Regularly inspect its eyes. Pay attention whether there is an opacification of the cornea, or inflammation of the eyelids, clear or greenish discharge.
Do not forget about the ears. Ideally, the external ear should be pink, warm, clean and without odors. If there is a dry brown earwax, it is necessary to remove it by a cloth. However, do not clean the ears too much; all the same, small hairs in the ears and a small amount of earwax prevent them from falling into the ears of dust and dirt. Besides the small hairs in the ears of the dog can grow long, which gradually die and accumulate in the ear canal. To avoid this they should be regularly pull out with tweezers. This procedure is painless for the dog. If regularly, especially after walking, you follow these few simple procedures, your pet will be healthy and cheerful for years.