Height of setters is above average; strong and dry physique.
These dogs are balanced, have a calm and friendly character, accommodating and kind to people; they are well trained and have excellent working qualities.
Setters have thick, straight, quite shiny, and silky hair. On the head and feet, it is short, but in other parts of the body, there are beautiful flowing tows. The color of dogs can be bi-color or tri-color with a variety of color variations.
English setter has expressed love for hunting; it is an indefatigable participant in this, it may for a long time explore the surrounding area, even if it is attended by a little number of living creatures. It masters well different operating racks, and easily passes in the process of energetic gallop to a creeping, supine position.
English setter has long been used for hunting in the conditions of water and land, on the field or marsh game.
English setter does not just love an active load, it needs that. In the absence of the necessary active exercise, a dog can get sick or show the behavior of psychiatric disorders. The animal needs long walks and games; you can train a dog to run after the bike, it will help it to reset the accumulated energy. Especially, such athletic burdens will undoubtedly benefit the animal.
Under these conditions, the dog will feel well, living in an apartment or house as a companion. Setters are ruly; they can behave well in houses of detention, and they are friendly but completely unobtrusive. Setters get along with kids very well, love to play with them; are adequate, well communicate, and do not show any signs of aggression. Extremely rare are animals with signs of aggression or fear. Setters can perform at home some security function, although it is more difficult for them, considering their innate friendliness.
In addition, care for a dog is simple. Despite its long hair, they almost do not shed and the owners just need to comb the animal with a special hard brush or mitt. In addition, the setters could be called clean animals.
Can english setters be aggressive?
English Setters, like any other breed of dog, can exhibit aggressive behavior, but it is not a breed-specific trait. Aggression in dogs can stem from many factors such as lack of socialization, abuse, improper training, fear, or medical issues. However, with proper training, socialization, and care, most English Setters are friendly, affectionate, and good-natured. It's important to remember that all dogs, regardless of breed, have individual personalities and temperaments and that environmental factors can play a significant role in shaping a dog's behavior.