Dog owners have a key role in caring for the health of their pets. It depends on him, how long animals live, and how good it feels. Most pet owners have the sense not to give on purpose alcoholic beverages to their dogs. However, there are cases, when a dog (usually small breeds) gets drunk, consuming products containing alcohol (a piece of meat soaked in wine, yeast dough, sweets with brandy, medicinal tinctures on alcohol, and so on).
Ethanol, contained in alcoholic beverages, is extremely toxic to pets. If your pet intentionally or accidentally received a dose of alcohol, you should immediately show it to the vet.
Symptoms of dog's alcohol poisoning
The first couple of hours after drinking the animal may be a little more energetic than usual. The condition of the animal will get worse as ethanol is in the blood. About three hours after drinking alcohol, you can see the following symptoms:
- • vomiting;
- • Severe apathy;
- • staggering gait;
- • shortness of breath;
- • formation of foam around the mouth;
- • frustration of feces;
- • involuntary urination;
- • loss of consciousness.
In severe cases, alcohol intoxication can lead to the death of the animal.
How to treat alcohol poisoning of the dog?
If you caught your four-legged friend during drinking alcoholic beverages or products containing it, the first thing you need to try is to prevent ethanol insertion in the blood. You will have to cause the vomiting of the dog (for example, with 3% hydrogen peroxide or ipecac). You can also "treat" your pet with activated charcoal. Then immediately go to a vet clinic.
Prevention of alcohol poisoning of dogs
From the foregoing, it is clear that alcohol is harmful to dogs. Therefore, take precautions. Firstly, keep all the "intoxicating" beverages and alcohol-containing liquids of the reach of pets. Secondly, never "indulge" and do not let the dog drink alcohol. Drunkenness of your four-legged friend is not so much fun as yours - and only the owner can protect his pet from such "accidents".