Since ancient times, all around the world, a dog is considered a pet, and man's best friend. Many believe that the dog takes on the character of its master, and does not have its own temper. This is not true, but there is still some truth there. Any creatures coexisting together get distinctive qualities of each other. Depending on their origin and nationality, people have special features. The same we can tell about dogs.
We will look at some most popular breeds of dogs and their distinctive characteristic qualities in this article.
Staffordshire terrier. They are surprisingly active, courageous, and very strong dogs. They are loyal and affectionate with a good owner. These dogs are quiet at home, and love children.
Akita Inu. The representatives of Japanese breeds and stunningly beautiful dogs with thick hair. They are very brave, proud, and independent, externally indifferent, but much attached to their masters.
Afghan hound. The most ancient breed and probably very proud of that, with dignity. Its character is quick-tempered, but kind. Since ancient times, it is bred for hunting.
Dalmatian. An unusual and beautiful color of a dog distinguishes it from others. It is cheerful and devoted to the owner.
Boxer. It has been the nature of a puppy for a long time. It needs continuous training and proper care. It is an excellent defender and loves children.
Great Dane. Tall and elegant, slender beauty. It is a good-natured and faithful creature. This dog loves people and is faithful to its master. It's sagacity in the blood.
Mastiff. Originally, the breed was used for baiting wild boars, but in modern domestic conditions, these dogs are very lazy and replace a huge toy. It is very hardy and strong.
Labrador. It is the cleverest dog, very affectionate, cheerful, and obedient. It will be pleased to become a family member.
Rottweiler. It is very devoted to its master. Despite its fearsome appearance, with the right education, it will be a good, courageous, gentle full-fledged resident of your home.
Spitz. It is a fluffy eye-pleasing miracle. A good, playful dog, but loves to bark loudly and must be controlled.
Dachshund. Excellent hunters, easily trained. They become much attached to their masters, and sometimes even become too intrusive.
Not many breeds are considered because there is a great variety of them. You are who chooses the dog. The main thing to remember is that all dogs are very attached to their owners, and love you with all their heart, and might even die of betrayal. You have to be very responsible if you want to get yourself a pet.