Australian bandog is a powerful and strong dog with tenacious jaws. Bandages are usually very strong and dangerous animals, the term means a dog, kept on a chain. First Bandogges first appeared about a thousand years ago. In England, they were used as terrible in their fury guard dogs in those times. Breeders and dog breeders of the Australian continent withdraw the kind of Bandogges that we consider here. For Australia, this is an extremely useful and important breed. Local agriculture is in need of a strong guard dog because, on the vast wild territories of this extraordinary continent, different herds of domesticated animals herd. Bandogges also are perfect for hunting the local "game", which is not very fast, but often very strong physically. Nevertheless, the Australian bandog, unlike other types of Bandogges also is fairly tolerable and is not very aggressive. It is because of this psychological feature, Australian Bandogge is a dog that cannot keep too far away from the household. Many owners of such dogs successfully keep them in apartments. Of course, this large dog requires daily long walks in nature.
From the earliest days, the representatives of this breed should be well and rigorously educated. The dog must obey the owner well. Nevertheless, we must not also forget that the dog may have a very sensible attitude. This dog can be gentle and kind. Having formidable external characteristics, this dog can be playful and very loyal. It certainly does not cancel the fact the owner of this dog must have unquestioned authority.
Description of the physical characteristics of this breed may take a very long time, but we will try briefly. It is strong, well-muscled, and has strong bones. Big head with a long square snout. Small wide-set eyes, almond-shaped. The eye color is brown, with different shades. The ears of the Australian Bandogge are triangular, curled at the ends, resembling hanging mugs. Strong development of hearing and sight. Strong short neck. The chest is broad and well-developed. The limbs of medium length, very strong, straight front and stronger rear. Not a very long tail. The body is of medium length. Shorthair dogs do not require special care. Color can be different: there are blue Bandogges, but the most widespread is black. The height at the withers of the healthy adult male can be up to 60-65 cm. The weight of this breed, according to gender varies from 40 to 60 kilograms. Provide it all the necessary vaccinations and enjoy the new family member. The well-educated dog is not a danger to children and other people nearby. However, outside, you should wear all the necessary accessories. A special diet for these dogs is not necessary. Australian bandog is not recognized by FCI.