All people have different attitudes to the dogs. Some people love them, others are indifferent to them, but there is a category of people who are in need of the dog. This is the category of people visually impaired. With the help of a guide dog, they have the ability not to lose interest in life, to be in demand. Such people see dogs as a conduit between light and darkness. Finding a friend and helper in the dog, people with disabilities are expanding circle of friends. We want to know more about the species of dogs intended to carry out such a complex work. German Shepherds and north Asian, Labradors and Collies are suitable for such a work. According to the dog handlers, there are only 25 dogs from 100 dogs that have the necessary capacity. Monitoring for puppies is carried out starting with the forty-fifth week of their life. Dog handlers watching puppies allocate the necessary qualities of self-restraint, patience, attentiveness, obedience, and deep attachment to the owner. It highlights the quality of the animal as a clear following of the orders. Through research, trainers keep the diary of the puppy, which records the achievements and failures of the puppy. Duration of training dogs to work is about six months. At the conclusion of this period, the dog passes the exam. This test shows the readiness of the animal to work with blind person.
It should be noted that the guide dog is selected individually for each person. To do this, the resume is filled out with personal data, which include weight, height, and address. The person should answer the question about the breed and sex of the animal. Picking up the dog, dog handlers are based on the physical qualities of the person, as the short person will be more comfortable to hold not a big dog with one hand on the leash.
It should be noted, while holding the training between dogs and disabled people in the development of the route, from the psychological point of view, lays the foundation of the relationship between them. This is a very important moment for the two of them. On the one hand, the dog liked the owner; on the other hand, the disabled person must be the leader in this relationship.
In conclusion, we note the guide dog has a huge psychological assistance and support for blind or partially sighted person. It allows him/her not to constantly depend on others, gives self-confidence in his/her abilities; it is always by his/her side, remaining not only a professional assistant, but also true and sensitive friend.