Turkish Angora is a beautifully proportioned, graceful, majestic, arrogant and wayward cat. The representatives of this ancient and versatile breed have such a description. This breed has a small head, a narrow snout, silky translucent hair, large almond-shaped eyes and pointed ears. People admire flexibility and slender body, graceful long limbs and tail with a characteristic plume.
Being aristocrats of its family, these cats are highly respected in the Muslim world; they are even allowed to stay in the mosque. The cat got its name in honor of the old name of Ankara, indicating about quite ancient origin of the breed.
The attractiveness of Angora is not only silky dress, but in the kind of thinking, the ability to easily adapt to the environment, the manifestation of stubbornness, the presence of ancient instincts. They are distinguished by a deep attachment to their owners; they love to play and to sit in your lap. However, if the cat wants to do something, it is useless to prevent them. They easily get along with children, quickly find a contact with other animals, and at the same time they try to show leadership everywhere.
Caring for these animals is regular combing and bathing. Although, the process of bathing requires certain skills. Like most cats, angora cats have panic fear of water.
The origin of this breed begins from African domesticated cats. Further development took place in Egypt, where they were imported. There were the first representatives of a longhair breed. Due to human migration, angora cats pretty quickly became favorites in the world.
However, we must not forget that the first attempts to save and bring up this breed were made in Germany. There even was an organized society whose members within two years registered all cats, which fit the description of the breed. Later, a special stud book was released.