Scottish cat is quite widespread throughout the world. The popularity of this breed of cat is caused by expressive noble beauty and mild playful character. Scottish cats make up strong competition to very famous British breed, so beloved by many of people. When talking about the Scottish cats it is worth to highlight issues such as the characteristics and behavior of representatives of the breed, their appearance, as well as basic aspects of care and the issue of proper feeding.
It is known the British aristocracy have very noble and elegant behavior. This breed will is recognized easily, but with the Scots, the situation is more complicated, because there are four species of the representatives of the Scottish breed. At the same time, despite the external differences of these four types, the nature of the Scots is definite and stable.
Describing the nature of this breed, it is worth paying attention to its original polarity: these cats can be mannered personages, and just pets. Scottish breed cats love attention and affection, have a sense of attachment to the owner, which determines their friendly behavior. At the same time, the Scots, by nature, are very playful and active, so play games with them a lot, especially, with kittens. In this sense, the animals get along very well with children, so do the children. However, the animals know their value, so do not be unduly intrusive, and just the owner points the place for it, it will necessarily go there.
Scottish cat loves to be in the company. Therefore, if friends always gather in the house, it will quickly charm them with its affection and purring and will be happy to cheer with incessant games.
As the Scottish cat is quite famous in many countries, it is easy to find a kitten some kind of Scottish breed. When choosing, you should take into account that different species require special care. For example, for the Highland species you should buy different shampoos (with or without oil), special conditioners and purifiers for hair. If you talk about a Fold, it needs separate care for ears with a special detergent. By the way, it is the Fold that people are most interested in, so well-groomed appearance of these cats will play in favor of the owners when choosing pairs for breeding.
Cats of the Scottish breed are desired participants of special cat shows, and their owners are responsible for their preparation for the challenging in the show. For grooming, use special fat-free shampoos and conditioners - they give a volume effect; make the hair light, shiny and fluffy. Warm drying with hairdryer will make the hair more attractive.
For all cat owners of Scottish breed, the question of ear care of their pets, especially Scottish Fold cats is very important. They are characterized by a specific curved shape of the ear, which is why dirt may accumulate in the ears. To prevent ear disease, parasites, you should regularly clean the ears of the pet. Do this by using special cleaning agents and very gently and carefully, because the ear cartilage is quite fragile, and the cat may be hurt by negligence.
For beauty and health of cats, feeding is also important. Proper nutrition is the basis of longevity and healthy appearance, well-being and mood of the pet. Diet of purebred cats should be drawn up taking into account the special characteristics of their species, and still be balanced. The menu of the Scottish cat should certainly include such products as raw veal or beef (the best is scalded with boiling water or frozen), boiled skim poultry meat and its by-products, dairy products.
You should remember the pedigreed cat cannot be fed "off the table" in any case, because our food contains salt and spices; also it is harmful to feed the cat roast and smoked products. It is not recommended to include in the cat's diet sweets, raw fish and bones, potatoes and beans. These mistakes in the organization of cats' feeding can lead to digestive disorders, and later it threatens diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver. For feeding purebred cats, you need stick one of the following: a ready food from the store or natural homemade.
Proper nutrition and care will help your pet not only look good but also feel good. Moreover, this, in turn, will bring joy and happiness to the owners.