Raising a puppy in the apartment


If the puppy has already appeared in an apartment, you can start to slowly educate your pet. But if you still cannot choose a puppy, better do not hurry. Do not take from mother very small, one- or two-months puppies. The best age is from 3 months.

The first thing to remember is that each dog, whether it is small or big, needs proper nutrition, walks, drinking water, dry room, clean bedding, and master's love.

First, the puppy will often chew furniture, slippers and all that he likes, because its teeth will cut. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of toys and bones for the puppy. Do not leave small things on the floor, especially those that can cause harm to the dog. It is useless to punishing a puppy, it will not understand, what it is punished for.

There are toys, now we have to make room for your pet. You can put a blanket or a special dog lounger. You need to accustom the puppy to its place from the first days. Just take it there, calling it by its name, stroking it to understand that it is good and it is necessary. When it falls asleep in other place, take it to where it should sleep.

Your pet needs to know the place where it will eat. At first, a little puppy needs to eat much with small portions. Do not forget after each meal to wash the bowls. You cannot give sweets or something good to eat from the table.

If you have a puppy in an apartment, you need to make a place for the toilet and to accustom the animal to go there. While the dog is small and does not have even the necessary vaccinations, a walk on the street can be dangerous for its health. Accustom it to the toilet at once, while the whole apartment did not become the toilet. When you notice your pet is going to defecate, take the puppy to the designated area. Praise the dog for that he went to the right place, you can give him a treat. Punish it only in case, if you found the puppy "relieving itself" then he will understand why you swear. After the pet has played mean tricks, and you didn't notice it, it cannot be punished because it is useless.

The puppy must trust you. You are the master, even if it obeys someone else, anyway you will be its only master.

The dog should know your voice, but never shout at it and never beat it. It is better to teach the animal to the schedule. This applies to meals, walks and water procedures.

You can start to teach it basic commands.

The command "Off". In order not to injure the psyche of the dog, remember that you cannot beat the dog at an early age. As a punishment or warning, it is enough to say loudly "Off" and flip on the bud. After some time the animal realizes that it shouldn't act like that.

The command "Come". It is easier to lure puppy using toys or treats. Say a command tenderly, and your pet will quickly understand and will not be afraid.

The command "Heel". You must use the collar to attract the dog and say the command.

Remember that training requires to be regular. If you want to teach your pet to different commands, spend at least 20 minutes a day for training. In such a way, you can grow smart and understanding dog.